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Fun Fall Activities for Babies and Toddlers

by ANB Baby Sales 03 Nov 2021

Clothing - Fun Fall Activities for Babies and Toddlers

Each season brings with itself new joys and wonders for your baby to explore, and fall is a beautiful and unique season that your child can learn about by incorporating different elements of the season into their daily activities and playtime. To help you and your baby enjoy fall together, we have a list of the best fall activities for babies and toddlers that can make the season fun for everyone.


Fall is the ideal season for a picnic as the temperature is temperate, and there is no summer heat or winter chill to ruin your plans. The weather is a great reason to have a picnic outdoors with your baby, and you can be sure to pack some seasonal favorites in your baby's snack cups, such as apple slices or pureed pumpkins that make for a healthy treat and allow your child to bask in the beautiful colors of fall from the comfort of a picnic mat.

Fall Sensory Bags

Fall is a unique season marked with colorful leaves shedding from trees, pumpkins, and with holidays such as Thanksgiving and Halloween right around the corner, you can allow your baby to take complete advantage of the season so they can enjoy and learn in this almost magical season. You can create a sensory bag by filling a plastic bag with multicolored leaves or mashed pumpkin with seeds to familiarize the baby with the different colors of fall and what it feels like to touch important elements of this season without making a mess while being in a safe environment.

Exploring Fruits and Vegetables

Fall is an exciting season in terms of fresh fruits and vegetables that you can help your baby get acquainted with. Apples, cranberries, pears, and the Halloween staple pumpkins are all in season during fall, and they can make for excellent fresh treats for your toddler since they can be pureed or eaten in small pieces to familiarize your child with their unique flavor. In addition to providing them with a healthy snack, you can also let your toddler smell and admire nature's bounty so they can enjoy the experience.

Leaf Imprint Painting

You can take inspiration from the colors of this season and work together with your child to create leaf paintings that can help them learn about mixing colors and letting them observe the shapes and colors  of different leaves. If your baby is too young to appreciate painting leaves and placing them on paper to reveal unique designs, you can also use non-toxic paint on their hands to help them create art with their handprints which can mimic leaves. 

Anb Baby

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